The Red Light Camera Mapping Project
The number of red light cameras in our area is increasing daily, but are they making us safer? Not necessarily. Several studies (linked below) demonstrate that after red light cameras were installed, the number of collisions actually went up.
To protect motorists, DeVerna Law has launched the "Red Light Camera Mapping Project", which attempts to map every (potentially dangerous) red light camera in the area. The current map is at the bottom of this page. If you see a camera that is not on our map below, please email DeVerna Law at
Drive Safely.
Red Light Camera Studies:
Of note:
Currently AAA is studying five red light programs being run by New York municipalities including New York City, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. AAA is concerned that not all of the municipalities are issuing quality reports which is making it difficult to comprehensively assess the programs safety effects. AAA spokesman Robert Sinclair Jr. said in a news release, “With nearly $100 million in yearly revenue, transparency is key to assure the public that the programs are about safety, not revenue enhancement."
*If you think you need personalized legal assistance, always speak with a qualified attorney.